Congatulations & well done for trying. Never mind it did not work the first time - it will eventually. Should be very useful for all members and lecturers in future. Thank you, The Arts Society Isle of Wight, Ulrike
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Thanks all for your comments on here, it was just a simple technical glitch at my end. No tech support in the flat so froze for a moment but in the end got it to work on another stream. Thanks to the amazing team (not at Guilford Street but nevertheless working extremely hard) in helping to get us back on track!
Sad that this didn't work as planned, but will tune in on the next occasion. Tony C, West Suffolk.
Hello from Mendip Arts
Better luck next time. Pat,
Look forward to the next time and thank you for exploring new ways to communicate. We have to move with the times! Anne from Edinburgh DFAS
When I clicked onj the link you sent I got a warning pop up: "Link Mismatch Detected" Then the foolowing message: The link you just clicked seems to lead to another site than what the link text indicated. This is sometimes used for tracking whether you clicked the link, but it could also be a scam.
The link text indicated that the link would lead to, but it leads to
Don't know if this is relevant or helpful!
Good luck and keep trying.
I am sure this will be a great addition once the gremlins are ironed out! Keep trying and keep us posted
Alison Miller
The Arts Society Chiswick
Hi there, I guess you would like some technical feedback. Soon after 12 we could hear you well saying you assumed you were live. Sound quality was very good. No picture although there was a shot briefly of Florian in armchair with message to left saying this live broadcast is over. I was viewing through google chrome (having followed the link) but could not get it using YouTube app on my iPad.
Good luck
Hi all, thank you ever so much for your patience. We had a few technical issues but are up and running again over here -
Hope to see you there!
Maybe try earlier in the day next time, before the business users come online.
Hello from Mid Kent - it wasn't working this end but hopefully will re -launch soon. Thanks for working so hard to keep us linked up.
So sorry the technology let you down, as Bronwen says, let us know when you want to try again. Good luck.
Hi all, thank you ever so much for your patience. We had a few technical issues but are up and running again over here -
Hope to see you there!
Stuff happens! Will look forward to the next attempt. Lovely to see all the people clocking in. We'll get there!
Look forward to trying again soon!
Well done getting so many together. I am sure it will work next time. Jane from Taunton
It is great to be in touch again. Isabel from Ascot
Sorry it didn’t wrk this time. Better luck next time! Hilary Olleson, Nottingham
These things need testing so well done - Im sure you will get there - the whole country is trying to do the same there probably isn't enough bandwidth - we tried this morning on a video conference but had to go to telephone conference call which worked. Keep us posted for more trials/
First attempt - and well done! Keep going! The Arts Society Tayside are standing by when you tray again!