Good morning
On this beautiful sunny summer's day I thought you might be interested in delving into the various articles here:
Elise Forbes, our Young Arts coordinator sent me the link above, together with these lovely views of her garden.

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Hello Bridget
🌹 Thanks for your reply. I'm copying in the link to the garden post mentioned previously, so hopefully you'll be able to click it to gain access. As it's a new post there isn't yet much there... so I'm depending on TAS Cheltenham to change that!
Your email went AWOL, but I'm a bit cautious about putting personal info on line, so will email TASC website with a message for you...
BBFN Judith 🌿🍁🌻
Hi Judith - I might be a bit stupid but I can't find the other forum?arts at Home which I know our enthusiastic members would love to look at. Could you point me to it? I am copying this post to Elise Forbes who is the gardening society person I mentioned and I know she does arrange all of the above! I am including my email address so perhaps you could reply privately and I will forward it. Good to get connected - and a really lovely sunny day here in Cheltenham.
🌻🌻🌻 Thank you, this is wonderful! I'll look through more of your posts. My national chat has started in the other forum/arts at home listing so if your garden friends might like to join in, that would keep us all in one place. As you will read, I referred to your earlier Cheltenham posts. Hopefully a little discussion might develop about the c.1760 Vauxhall Gardens (a passion of mine!), with a picture on prominent display on the Garden Museum website, which I picked up from your post. Does the gardening society you mentione arrange lectures/demonstrations/visits or maybe all of them? 🍁🍁🍁
We have a lot of enthusiastic gardening members. Indeed one of our Committee keeps me in touch with all of these as she runs a local garden society. Should I put her in touch with you? I think it would be a very good way of letting people while away time looking at where they could go! I get emails from Historic Houses and they offer some just lovely virtual walks round various gardens. I try and post all the local ones but perhaps I should go further afield!! I will look out for your national chat!
Sorry, forget to mention that I'm a TAS Birmingham (morning) member and the TAS national P&G HV coordinator. As projects are on hold for now I'm exploring other options for keeping in touch and linking with other garden enthusiasts...
Hello, I've picked this up from related posts and delighted to see other garden news. Hoping to get a national chat started... with 'Enjoying gardens'